Dearest Vicky,
I would like to start by giving you my deepest condolences to you and your family. Imagining you are still receiving so many messages I intended to wait a while before writing to you, but never had I imagined writing the words I am about to share.
As you know Chris touched my Kali’s heart when she was turning 10. The birthday party you helped organize, the gifts, and meeting him helped her recover from a medical crisis with her blood disorder. Well many years later….I believe he helped her from Heaven.
On August 24th our lives changed drastically. Kali was involved in a critical auto accident; she was t-boned by a truck at a high rate of speed. It was early morning and I had called into work to let them know I was taking my dog into the vet for an emergency appointment for a possible broken leg. I had just finished at the vet and was putting my dog in the front seat, started the car and “Like a Stone” was playing on the radio. This was the song Chris dedicated to Kali on stage. He asked her what her favorite song was and that was her answer.
Seconds later my phone rang into the car’s Bluetooth system. My first thought was “Dammit, who is calling me? I love this song!” It was Kali’s number showing up, so I answered and said “Hello, Hello” and a man’s voice said “Is this Kali’s mom?” I said “Yes! Who is this?” He said his name was Trooper such and such from the Michigan State Police. He said “Your daughter has been in an accident and is being taken to Sparrow Hospital in Lansing.” He asked how close I was. I told him I was driving my dog back home and I would be right there. It was not even 10 minutes later and her phone called me again, this time it was a Sergeant from the Ingham County Sheriff Department. He said “I wanted to make sure you were notified Kali is being brought to Sparrow Hospital.” I said “Is she alive?” He said “Yes, but she has substantial injuries and they need you up there right away.”
I don’t remember much else about the drive. I arrived to find myself signing consent forms for emergency surgery. Her injuries were so many and so severe we were told her chances of making it through the next day or two were 50/50. She spent her first few days here on life support and remained in ICU until Thursday. 7 days, countless units of blood and several major surgeries later, the swelling in her face started to come down enough so she could keep her eyes open.
My husband and I went to where her car was towed to see if we could salvage any of her belongings a few days ago. After we got in through a back passenger door I looked inside and tears just rolled down my face. To see the aftermath of what she went through, EMS gloves still on the floor, pools of dried blood with glass everywhere. What I saw left me with no doubts her life being spared was a miracle. The fact that her favorite song by Chris was playing can’t be a coincidence. We believe he was with her and helped save her again.
She remains in pain, her jaw is wired shut, but is now getting therapy every day with multiple modalities, Speech, Occupation, Physical, every type of rehabilitation available she is getting. Some of her spunk is returning and she was talking about driving in the future. But, she did say she never wants to be low to the ground again. She put all of her savings into the car she had. Her hopes are to get a large truck or jeep so her anxiety about driving is lessened. I would be okay with an armored tank.
I want you to know Chris told us that you were the one who planned all of the arrangements to make Kali’s day so special. He told us you were an amazing mother and it came naturally. Without you she may have never got to meet her music icon. Vicky, you are such a beautiful and amazing person. I want to thank you for everything you did for Kali, because without you how else would’ve Chris known to watch over her from Heaven if they’d never met? His love to help others will never end he truly remains with those in need.
Your family will always remain in our prayers.
Shannon Stone and Kali Shelton